Renting a Cottage
Vacation cottages come in all shapes and sizes. From the smallest wooden cabin with an outhouse, to a fully equipped waterfront mansion complete with boathouse and toys, they can be found to rent on the web. Some owners have their own websites; many place their cottages with advertising only sites; some can be rented only through rental agencies, and rental rates can vary widely. So, how do you find the right cottage for you and your family?
The collection of reports and articles listed here will help to shorten your search and give you a better chance of finding the right cottage for your vacation.
Reading between the lines
a tongue-in-cheek article with serious overtones to help you get to the real facts behind a cottage advertisement. 
Bugs, Bites and Deet
an informative guide from Healthy Ontario. Get
the lowdown on how to protect you and your family from Ontario's insect population. 